Monday, April 30, 2012

Missing In Action??? Cover your cough!

I am mortified!!!! I have *never* lost a piece before. I got a, "Cover your cough" leaflet two days ago. It was on my desk & now, it is not! I've looked all over trying to find it! I am sure I will find it around here some place (my husband went on cleaning fest so it most likely got shoved into one of 30 drawers) but whose piece is it? I am so so sorry. :.(

Katrina Knizek

I adore, Hello Kitty! :.)

Christina Jordon

This is really fantastic!

Yan Matijuskiy

A very lovely piece of origami! Some of the patterning, I wanted to read as Kanji because it shifts slightly on the surface. (I love Kanji). Great use of color! Nice contrasts between the warm Green & Cooler Green. I have been playing with this the last three days! The "puzzle" quality and kinetic quality of this is a lot of fun! :.)